Roofers in Wigston
If you live in Wigston LE18 and need assistance from expert, local roofers, call us. The services that we provide include:
- Roof repairs due to age or damage
- Flat roofing in rubber or fibreglass
- Chimney repairs and repointing
- Fixing issues with lead flashing
- An expert re-roofing service
- New uPVC fascias and soffits
- Quality roof windows from Velux
- Gutters and guttering repairs
We are a highly rated roofing company covering all LE postcode areas and we pride ourselves on giving customers a solution to roofing problems that is both reliable and affordable. We're always there to help, no matter what the issue may be so call us now.
We are able to provide a free quotation, so if you'd like to get one from us, call our helpful and professional team on 0116 316 9611.
Roofers who have the know-how
We cover the whole of the LE18 postcode area of Wigston (Wigston Magna) and have a huge customers base in the area. Reasons our customers come back to us include:
- All roofing is guaranteed
- We have years of experience
- Our roofers are qualified
- Our prices are unbeatable
- We offer free quotations
Our workforce are personable and well-trained – all from apprentice level upwards. Our company has the expertise and capability to leave you satisfied on every roofing project.
Why not find out a little more about the roofing services we provide by getting in touch now.
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